Congratulations to Chelsea on Winning the $5,000 Girls Inc. National Scholarship!
Congratulations to Chelsea on winning the $5,000 Girls Inc. National Scholarship! She hopes to put her earnings toward her education at UC Santa Cruz, once accepted, where she wishes to major in Engineering and Architectural Design.
Chelsea is a high school senior in our College Access Now! Program, where 11th and 12th graders engage in SAT prep, college research and tours, application support, financial aid guidance, and scholarship application assistance.
Every year, participants from this program who wish to apply for a Girls Inc. scholarship—ranging from $5,000 – $20,000—are matched with a volunteer mentor drawn from the community to brainstorm, edit, rework, and talk through their personal essays for the application. They submit these essays to be judged by a panel of volunteers who then select the top five to submit to the national competition between affiliates.
Only 40 girls across the US and Canada receive scholarships, and we could not be more proud of Chelsea for representing Girls Inc. of Alameda County!
Thank you to all the volunteers who participated as mentors and judges throughout the rigorous application process!