What's Happening at Girls Inc.


Leadership According to a Girls Inc. Senior

When asked what a leader is, Destinee pauses thoughtfully. It’s a question with a lot of answers, she explains, since there’s so much that goes into being a leader. Then she decides on what she wants to say. “I think it’s someone who’s collaborative, someone who’s honest, and someone who’s…

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crooked room

Orientation to Success

During High School Program Orientation Night in September, girls learned how they would be supported while at Girls Inc., even during the most difficult times. At first glance, the approximately 50 girl and family attendees in the Simpson Center for Girls were coming to hear about the basics of their…

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staff pic

New Staff Share “Why They’re Here”

On the morning of New Staff Orientation, 27 staff members entered the Simpson Center for Girls for their first day of work. Some had been in the building only for their interview; some had been Girls Inc. participants since they were in elementary school. All were hired for their skill,…

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“What Did You Do This Summer?”

As our girls head back to school this year, they will inevitably be faced with questions about what they did over the summer—and they will have some extraordinary answers. A high school girl will talk about how, during a tour of Southern California colleges, she got to see first-hand the…

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Girls Reading

Ready to Read: Exciting Ideas for a New Year

Last year, in considering how best to support elementary school participants’ self-perception as readers and scholars, Girls Inc. staff decided to try engaging a class of 4th and 5th graders as reading role models for their younger peers. Soon, each student in the younger class was paired with a more…

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GAP girls

Girls at Gap

This summer Gap Women in Leadership (GapWIL) partnered with Girls Inc. to launch a summer menteeship program at Gap Inc. Through the course of the 3 week program, 3 high school juniors, “wonder women in training”, met with career coaches, visited stores, developed technical skills through crash courses in retail, inventory…

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Alumna Ph.D. Student Returns to Girls Inc.

When Amaurita Kanai was growing up in San Leandro, her parents struggled at times to make ends meet. Her mother realized that her young daughters needed somewhere positive to stay after school while she worked, and placed them with Girls Inc. of Alameda County. Today, decades later, Amaurita is in…

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