Register now to attend the first Girls Inc. of Alameda County’s Women of Impact January Breakfast.
Join us at the Simpson Center for Girls in downtown Oakland to network and learn about new initiatives for 2023, including the exciting relaunch of our Women of Impact Program and our Expanded Learning Apprenticeship Program, the first-of-its-kind in the state of California, where participants can earn a wage working at Girls Inc. of Alameda County, while receiving free tuition and college-level courses.
The Apprenticeship program is a result of the collaboration between Girls Inc., Berkeley City College, California AfterSchool Network, and Partnership for Children and Youth.
This event will also kick off our organization’s milestone 65th Anniversary, as well as the 10th Anniversary of our Simpson Center for Girls!
Kick-off of our bi-annual Women of Impact breakfast.
Thursday, January 26, 2023
8:00 AM – 9:00 AM
Girls Inc. of Alameda County
Simpson Center for Girls
510 16th Street, Oakland, CA 94612